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Name : Drew Elix
Date : 2013-07-07 Hit : 1366
Recom : 1
Great Site!!
- Goods Name : (TLV1) Mens Business Slim fit 3 Button Vest Waist Coat
- Member Height : 6.1 (cm)
- Member Weight : 205 (kg)
Got everything super fast and everything fit just right. If your my size which I'm 6'1 210 6 percent body fat. Just go to the brand+ and they have XXL that will fit you.
Hi there!~
Thanks for the good feedback for us.
I am happy that our US XL fitted on you well.
Thank you for the purchase.
Your feedback has been nominated for Best Feedback of July, it will be announce on Aug 10th, Goodluck to you, :)