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Name : Ad Kees     Date : 2013-11-07    Hit : 1482     Recom : 1  
Title  Shirt
  - Goods Name : (KA81-WHITE) Slim fit Collar neck Short Sleeve Tshirts
  - Model : KA81-WHITE-M
  - Member Height : 173 (cm)
  - Member Weight : 70 (kg)

Hi, sorry that I have to tell you that the shirt was not clean. It had stripes in grey over it. I will try to wash it in order to remove the stains. Size was fine, model is Ok and fit as well.
Admin   Hello!

Thanks for the message.
I am sorry for that defect. Anyway, we are willing to fix that. Please DO NOT WASH it, let us do something about this. Please send us a picture of the item on I will wait for that.

Thank and Regards.
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