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Name : Josh Riley     Date : 2017-11-27    Hit : 2738     Recom : 1  
Title  Wear it regularly, love it
  - Goods Name : (NKLCJ710) TheLees Mens Slim Fleece Lining Hooded 2 Tone Double Zip-Up Jacket
  - Model : NKLCJ710-BLACK
  - Member Height : 5.8 (ft)
  - Member Weight : 135 (lbs)

The inner fabric covers up to the neck when it's cold out. The fit is great, holding tight on the wrists and waist. The fabric is breathable and warm, and allows great freedom of movement; I can wear it, be warm, and do all my work/play with kids without feeling hindered at all.
admin   Hello

Thank you for your compliment on this item.
We are happy to know that you like the fabric and product's style.
We hope that you can enjoy wearing it continuously.
The basic feedback points have been added to your account jjriley232
We value your business and look foward to doing business with you soon.

Thanks and regards,
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